Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Final Reflection-Newspaper

A. What did you learn from this assignment?
- I learned organization from this assignment and also how to make a newspaper.
B. What challenges did you face during the research and writing process?
- I faced many challenges by not be able to find information on some of my topics and during the writing process I had trouble with everything aligning up in my newspaper.
C. What was the most important thing you learned this semester?
- The most important thing I learned this summer was learning about how to read and understand political cartoons.
D. Loose ends: What do you wish we had spent more time on?
- I wish we would of spent more time learning more about the Holocaust.
E. Sum it up: Why is it important to study World History?
- It is important to study World History because we all need to learn about our past. Also we need to learn from our ancestors mistakes and know not to do those again.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. It's true that finding information can be a real challenge. With practice (and good reference resources) it becomes a LOT easier though. I recommend AVL and the UAH library's SuperSearch in the future...it cuts a lot of corners. Google Books and Google Scholar are great resources too. I, too, wish we could have spent a lot more time on the Holocaust. There are so many lessons to learn from it, including how people can be so easily influenced to do what they wouldn't normally do and how to identify patterns of behavior that are repeated even now. You are absolutely right...if we ignore the maps laid out by our ancestors, we could easily go down the same dangerous paths again.
