Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Final Reflection-Newspaper

A. What did you learn from this assignment?
- I learned organization from this assignment and also how to make a newspaper.
B. What challenges did you face during the research and writing process?
- I faced many challenges by not be able to find information on some of my topics and during the writing process I had trouble with everything aligning up in my newspaper.
C. What was the most important thing you learned this semester?
- The most important thing I learned this summer was learning about how to read and understand political cartoons.
D. Loose ends: What do you wish we had spent more time on?
- I wish we would of spent more time learning more about the Holocaust.
E. Sum it up: Why is it important to study World History?
- It is important to study World History because we all need to learn about our past. Also we need to learn from our ancestors mistakes and know not to do those again.