Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Section 4-Hitler

Hitler used many methods to take over the country. He used propaganda to convince the German society to join his Nazi party. These propaganda were telling people how awesome life will be if they elect him ruler of Germany. Hitler built up the future life, and it mad people want to live that life. They were basically brained washed into electing the Nazi party into power.

Hitler's methods were effective because he achieved the power he wanted in Germany. Also his ability to win over a crowd just by speaking. His speeches made people want more in life and they wanted the amazing life Hitler built up in their heads. It was also effective because the people were not experienced in the political world and they did not know the details of all his plans. Some of his speeches had words that people did not know the meaning, so they just agreed with it. Hitler was effective because he could brain wash people into getting what he wants.